Begin to understand the importance of health and wellness with the incorporation of small, yet meaningful habits with the help of Your Daily. A company who's main focus is to help women across the globe experiencing stress, burnout and autoimmune conditions. A client I had the pleasure of designing the future interface for, with the help of my team. A case study that incapsulates research synthesis, which therefore led to the creation of a simple yet intuitive user interface catered to their specific target market.

Begin to understand the importance of health and wellness with the incorporation of small, yet meaningful habits with the help of Your Daily. A company who's main focus is to help women across the globe experiencing stress, burnout and autoimmune conditions. A client I had the pleasure of designing the future interface for, with the help of my team. A case study that incapsulates research synthesis, which therefore led to the creation of a simple yet intuitive user interface catered to their specific target market.

Begin to understand the importance of health and wellness with the incorporation of small, yet meaningful habits with the help of Your Daily. A company who's main focus is to help women across the globe experiencing stress, burnout and autoimmune conditions. A client I had the pleasure of designing the future interface for, with the help of my team. A case study that incapsulates research synthesis, which therefore led to the creation of a simple yet intuitive user interface catered to their specific target market.

As stated prior, our client is on a mission to create healthy habit formation for its users. Habits that can grow into tangible results and information that can educate users on the complexity that is autoimmune conditions. Therefore, we sought out individuals to gather information from that encompass everything Your Daily is trying to solve for. We wanted to understand how each person defines and practices health and wellness in their routine. A topic that is entirely subjective and can lead us to large pool of answers. We also wanted to become more educated on the topic of autoimmune conditions, and how those affect predominately women in the United States. This would allow us to hopefully draw a sense of intersectionality between how health/wellness is altered based on outside societal influences.

Let's Begin To Understand

9 interviews with women

Screenshots of the Your Daily web-app as it stands currently

Your Daily is a company and web-app that prioritizes health and wellness for women across the globe. Their goal is to aid women experiencing burnout, stress, anxiety, and helping those same women feel seen and heard regarding autoimmune conditions. Their motto of "less is more", guides users through small, yet meaningful daily task to heal their minds and bodies one day at a time.

Our goals as a team, was to conduct various forms of research to gain knowledge from a wide demographic of women fitting their target market. Allowing us to gather insights on how people manage different forms of self care, while living with an autoimmune diagnosis. Our next steps were to create a future concept design of an application to shift from the web-app platform. While being able to use what we gathered from user interviews and creating a better user experience. One that is simple and intuitive, where users can begin to chip away at their common feelings of being stressed and burnt out.

Improvement One Step At A Time

2023 Austin Clifford. All Rights Reserved

2023 Austin Clifford. All Rights Reserved

2023 Austin Clifford. All Rights Reserved

Design - Application Duration - 3 Weeks Team - Taylor & Lada Role - UX Research & UX/UI Design

Design - Application Duration - 3 Weeks Team - Taylor & Lada Role - UX Research & UX/UI Design

Design - Application Duration - 3 Weeks Team - Taylor & Lada Role - UX Research & UX/UI Design

All 9 have some form of an

autoimmune condition

Throughout our user interviews, we had found that autoimmune conditions are incredibly more common than we thought. As listed prior, all nine of our interviewees had at least one autoimmune diagnosis. Majority of the women expressed that they felt a lack of knowledge and understanding, when it came to their conditions. Their confusion stemmed not only from the general public, but also inside the world of medicine. These women voiced wanting an increased effort towards the research and treatment of these aggressive, widely misunderstood conditions.

The topic of community also became an important topic of conversation. We found through our research that, the need for community relating to health, wellness, and autoimmune conditions was split. The younger demographic explained that they prefer a community that is detached from social media. The assumption is that Millennials and Gen Z have grown up with technology, resulting in the desire for a tangible community. On the other side of the spectrum, the older demographic felt the exact opposite. They voiced wanting a community that they can reach at their fingertips. Most users expressed the importance of community, but only when it feels genuine and equal effort from all members.

Lastly, slightly more than half of our users expressed that keeping a regular self care routine is challenging for them. It's hard to work a full time job, got to school, be a parent, a friend, a wife/husband, while prioritizing their health at the same time. It was also shared that some of our users keep a journal as part of their routine. It helps them regulate their time, emotions and symptoms. Serving as an outlet for them, and ultimately improving their quality of life.

There Is A Lot To Unpack Here